Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Errands, campus and the yard guy

I got a lot done yesterday: got a PO Box at the Kahului Post Office (had to have the clerk show me where it was since many of the box numbers were rubbed off...why?); got a storage unit to stash all the boxes of stuff for a couple of months, opened an account at the credit union, got my MCC photo ID and UH email.

The MCC campus seems weirdly unpopulated. I guess 4,000 students can spread themselves pretty thin.

Central MCC campus

My building: Kupa'a

When I returned to the Hibiscus Room I visited Ruby the macaw. That beak looks extra sharp - no poking fingers through the cage wires!

Ruby the loudmouth macaw

I walked around Wailuku looking for a likely place to scrounge up some dinner, without much luck. Since I wasn't able to locate the market that showed up on my BlackBerry navigator, I ended up with a pile of Chinese buffet that was edible, but more or less overcooked and unappetizing. It was somewhat improved by two Steinlagers, but just barely. I'll put out a little more effort next time.

It was a noisy evening in the Hibiscus Room, what with the yard guy raking and chopping and mowing and leaf blowing all directly outside my window. It takes a lot of work to beat back the ever-encroaching Hawaiian vegetation.

Menacing vegetation threatens the doorway to the Hibiscus Room.

But after sunset, things gradually quieted down until all I could hear was the fan in my room.

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